Picking Up Strangers

Picking up Strangers Eps. 29 The Mona Lisa is no JLO! Almost the perfect episode

Friendly Frank and Mike Season 1 Episode 29

Just shy of 30 episodes Friendly Frank and Mike enter into a discussions of non rideshare topics, yet still bring it to the community.  Is Comedy really just funny sales?  Do you know the proper tumbler combination to being funny?  Have you seen the Mona Lisa?  Friendly Frank gives a ride to a football savant, and confirms he does not know all of the black people in every major city. Mike attempts to assassinate Friendly Frank's loved ones for an early Presidential pick.  The boys delve into more uninformed politics, and ways to help the common good.  If you are listening to this episode you're a fan.  Tell your friends, tell your family.  We are wonderful at parties!