Picking Up Strangers

Picking up Strangers Eps. 28 Frank is not frank.....you understand?

Friendly Frank and Mike Season 1 Episode 28

Friendly Frank and Mike are at it again.  Frank clearly explains why he is nor isn't frank.  Goes over his new airport strategy, and how he is making subtle changes in his health, not to include vaping.  Mike goes over his scientific survey on why people choose Lyft over Uber and visa versa.  Is OC where expendable income lives?  And just when you thought you were in the thick of it.  Friendly Frank reveals that he receives "messages" and sends out codes to the people who "get it".  Mike misses a huge factor in a text to speech situation. And to wrap it all up Friendly Frank ends the episode on a Pro Bono ride for a homeless lady.  Just another wonderful week in ride share.