Picking Up Strangers
Picking Up Strangers
Picking up strangers Eps. 27 Ratings do Matter! It's your move Uber.
Here we go again the boys get going right off the bat. Frank finally notices Mike has a beard after three months. Frank eludes to Mike's impulsive past and possible repercussions. The boys report on the unfortunate death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and 7 other people in a helicopter accident. They reflect on you never know what could happen. Mike questions the energy he draws toward himself and wonders what people think of him on first sight. They discuss Frank's discipline in resisting ideas of change. Mike revises his statements on star ratings, and driver’s cleanliness. Frank explains how he gets out of giving friends rides to the airport. Mike explains why ratings do matter. Frank goes over his near death incident that no one saw, and Mike reminds you the importance of seat belts. Another episode down in the dark underworld of ride share.